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智能服装推荐系统Development of a Consumer-Oriented Intelligent Garme

(市场价: ¥78.00)

《智能服装推荐系统Development of a Consumer-Oriented Intelligent Garment Recommendation System》基于模糊技术的智能服装推荐系统,消费者通过电商平台选择服装时,可输入包括体型数据、风格关键词和偏好图像等信息,模糊体型分类算法能智能构建消费者画像数据并生成虚拟人体模型。基于模糊技术的智能服装推荐算法能通过服装专家的知识建立的知识库为消费者推荐服装,消费者还可实时看到虚拟试穿效果,如果对推荐结果不满意,消费者可确定不满意部位,系统能够通过反馈算法智能学习消费者反馈信息自适应的更新知识库。推荐模块能根据更新后的知识库进行二次推荐,直到消费者满意为止,成功推荐的结果会存入成功知识库作为今后推荐的依据,用此系统消费者能提高网购的效率及满意度并减少碳排放。


Geneal Intoduction #8195; 001

Chapte #8195;1 E-commece fo Fashion Poducts #8195; 009

1.1  E-commece #8195;and #8195;Recommendation #8195;Systems #8195; 010

1.2  Fashion #8195;Poducts #8195;and #8195;Fashion #8195;Makets #8195; 013

1.2.1 The maketing of fashion #8195; 015

1.2.2 Tageting a maket #8195; 015

1.2.3  Custome pofiles #8195; 016

1.2.4  Seasonal and occasion makets #8195; 016

1.2.5  Fashion poducts #8195; 017

1.3  Fashion #8195;Consume #8195;Behavio #8195; 019

1.3.1  Cultual facto #8195; 020

1.3.2  Social facto #8195; 020

1.3.3  Individual facto #8195; 020

1.3.4  Psychological facto #8195; 021

1.4  Main #8195;Ideas #8195; 023

1.4.1  Successful Cases Data
ase Module #8195; 024

1.4.2 Maket Foecasting Module #8195; 024

1.4.3  Knowledge-
ased Recommendation Module 024

1.4.4  Knowledge Updating Module #8195; 025

1.5  Oiginality #8195; #8195; 025

Chapte #8195;2 Fashion Data Acquisition fom Social Netwoks

and Design of Sensoy Expeiments #8195; 027

2.1  Social #8195;Netwoks #8195; #8195; 028

2.2  Sensoy #8195;Evaluation #8195; #8195; 029

2.2.1  Definition and industial application #8195; 030

2.2.2  Basic notions a
out sensoy evaluation #8195; 030

2.3  Design #8195;of #8195;Expeiments #8195; #8195; 033

2.3.1  Peliminay knowledge #8195; 034

2.3.2  Expeiments #8195; 038

2.4  Conclusions #8195; #8195; 053

Chapte #8195;3 Concened Computational Tools #8195; 055

3.1  Knowledge #8195;and #8195;Its #8195;Featues #8195; #8195; 056

3.2  Fuzzy #8195;Sets #8195;and #8195;Fuzzy #8195;Opeations #8195; #8195; 057

3.2.1  Fuzzy sets theoy #8195; 058

3.2.2  Standad opeations of fuzzy sets #8195; 061

3.2.3  Popeties of fuzzy sets #8195; 061

3.2.4  Opeations on fuzzy elations #8195; 062

3.2.5  Tiangula fuzzy num
e #8195; 063

3.2.6  Similaity degee of fuzzy sets #8195; 065

3.3  FCEM #8195;and #8195;Fuzzy #8195;AHP #8195; #8195; 066

3.3.1  FCEM #8195; 066

3.3.2  Fuzzy AHP #8195; 068

3.4  Complex #8195;Netwoks #8195; #8195; 072

3.4.1  Scale-fee netwoks #8195; 073

3.4.2  Small-wold netwoks #8195; 074

3.5  Makov #8195;Chain #8195; #8195; 076

3.6  Case-
ased #8195;Reasoning #8195; #8195; 079

3.7  Oganization #8195;of #8195;the #8195;Computational #8195;Techniques #8195; #8195; 080

Chapte #8195;4 Successful Cases Data
ase Module and Maket

Foecasting Module #8195; 083

4.1  Mathematical #8195;Fomalization #8195; 085

4.2  Consume #8195;Pofile #8195; #8195; 088

4.2.1  Size ules definition #8195; 089

4.2.2  Fuzzy desciption of height #8195; 090

4.2.3  Fuzzy desciption of“fat/thin” #8195; 092

4.2.4  Application of the FAHP algoithm #8195; 095

4.2.5  Fuzzy compehensive evaluation method (FCEM) #8195; 098

4.2.6  A eal case of consume pofile #8195; 098

4.3  Successful #8195;Cases #8195;Data
ase #8195;Module #8195; #8195; 099

4.3.1  Geneal pinciple #8195; 099

4.3.2  Fomalization, similaity and easoning #8195; 100

4.3.3  A eal case of successful cases data
ase module #8195; 101

4.4  Maket #8195;Foecasting #8195;Module #8195; #8195; 102

4.4.1  Geneal pinciple #8195; 102

4.4.2  Maket data analysis with Makov Chain #8195; 102

4.4.3  Complex netwok #8195; 107

4.4.4  A eal case of maket foecasting module #8195; 110

4.5  Conclusions #8195; #8195; 111

Chapte #8195;5 Knowledge-
ased Recommendation Module

and Knowledge Updating Module #8195; 113

5.1  Knowledge-
ased #8195;Recommendation #8195;Module #8195; #8195; 114

5.1.1  Geneal pinciple #8195; 114

5.1.2  Data aggegation fom vaious tainees #8195; 115

5.1.3  Geneation of the knowledge
ase (KB) #8195; 117

5.1.4  Recommendation pocess though a eal case #8195; 119

5.2  Knowledge #8195;Updating #8195;Module #8195; #8195; 120

5.2.1  Geneal pinciple #8195; 120

5.2.2  Vitual ty-on and evaluation #8195; 122

5.2.3  Knowledge
ase updating 1 #8195; 125

5.2.4  Knowledge
ase updating 2 #8195; 126

5.3  Validation #8195;of #8195;the #8195;Recommendation #8195;Modules #8195; #8195; 128

5.4  Conclusions #8195; #8195; 133

Chapte #8195;6 Geneal Conclusion and Pespectives #8195; 135

6.1  Geneal #8195;Conclusion #8195; 136

6.2  Pespectives #8195; 138

Refeences #8195; 140

Appendix Questionnaies fo Sensoy Evaluations Expeim-

ents and Histoical Shopping Data #8195; 143

出版社 中国纺织出版社有限公司
ISBN 9787518098415
条码 9787518098415
编者 张俊杰
译者 --
出版年月 2022-11-01 00:00:00.0
开本 16开
装帧 平装
页数 152
字数 210
版次 1
印次 1
纸张 一般胶版纸

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